Installing Niagara drivers from MaxLine - step by step.


Niagara workbench - version suitable for target system.
Target controller connected to workbench - JACE (or OEM equivalent from any supplier), or Web Supervisor.

Knowledge/expertise for installing drivers on Niagara systems (part of Niagara Certification).
Knowledge/expertise of target legacy system driver configuration.

Information about the connected devices and points of the legacy system. Essential for drivers that do not include auto-detect, very useful for all drivers. If possible this information should be obtained and verified before disconnection of legacy controller.

Copy of current release of relevant MaxLine Niagara driver with correct version of the two Java files for the Niagara system identified and ready to copy. A printed-on-paper copy may be helpful, or electronic documentation on a separate device such as a second laptop, or a tablet.

Niagara points and devices license (from Tridium) with sufficient points and devices included for all connected networks - either Workbench or site license.


Install driver in usual way through Niagara Workbench. Documentation of this process available from Tridium. Do not yet install MaxLine unlock code. That comes later once driver functionality is established.

After copying the two driver Java files, re-start Niagara controller to ensure that Registry is updated. Re-start is also required if the driver files are changed or updated.

Work through installation procedure as set out in driver documentation: typically start with comms (serial or ethernet), then search network for devices, then search devices for points.

Once communications are functioning, and if you already have an unlock code, enter the unlock. This is covered in the documentation and is usually started by a right-click to access the Actions menu. You can continue to work through all aspects of driver set-up and testing without an unlock code by restarting the Niagara system every two hours. Consider setting a two-hour alarm/timer as a reminder - the driver will just quietly stop working after two hours without warning and the Niagara system will need restarted.

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